Tuesday, April 22, 2014

blogs don't work for me-- but websites do!!!

My blog is dead! Long live the Website!
I am too busy trying to work to write on this thing regularly- or even irregularly.

So I decided to do the right thing and just promote myself in a less communication-needy fashion: the good ole' fashioned webpage.

Please visit me at the new home of all things Jason Sobol Art:

I will be doing a new domain name at some point, but things are in the works that may negate the need. it is a good thing!

Please visit me there, and drop a line on the visitor page so that I know your said hi!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Last week's challenge...

Howdy ya'll,
I submit to you who have eyes, my five minute Spider-woman sketch!

I will have to look up this "red death" costume for the Phantom of the Opera... it should be fun!


Monday, August 26, 2013

two weeks late- still counts, right???

So I have been essentially building a new school- and since I am the Dean of Students, it has been crazy.

so here is the Carmen- I did it in sharpy, because I wanted to try something new. If I did this
fine line, or even sketchy, it would be a whole different piece.

Next challenge?


Friday, August 9, 2013

Midweek update!

Howdy hey.
So I got this digital drawing tablet/monitor . I am now trying color some of my own stuff to save time, hone my skill, etc.

Ok- so both are colored in VERY different styles- looking for feedback. Is the painting style of the Thanos worth it? is the marker style on ol' Deadpool not working? give me some input so that I can keep working on this- the success of my next prints require it! THANKS!!!

Monday, August 5, 2013

new challenge-week 1 COMPLETE!

So I accepted the Spider Man 2099 challenge, and here he is.
 This is why i need to do these- as soon as I posted it, I see three things that I hate, so it tells me that I need to take  step back when drawing. I got what I needed from the exercise. Come back later in the week for some new, non-challenge art! For next week, I have already accepted Carmen Santiago, I am confident that I will know where she is.



Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Getting some penciling in

TIme for work? not always. But I love it when I do get to draw for me- fills the portfolio, makes me feel like an artist, not just a contract monkey, and of course, this provides much personal satisfaction!

here are some things from this past few days:

Still have not heard from anyone with art suggestions. Shame, but I should blame myself. I dropped it a few years ago, so I take the blame.
Please need an idea- no obligation for any purchase, it just keeps me fresh!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

some upcoming prints (not Prince, because that would be awkward)

HOWDY! Here are some previews from the soon to be available print series by me and my favorite colorist, Lizz.

 There are 3 more in the set, one of the lovely baddies from GIJoe, Thundercats, and Master of the Universe ( He-Man) so look for them here soon, or hit me up if interested- as always, prints are $10 each or the whole set of 5 for $40.

So, what should I draw this week for the blog challenge?
