Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Getting some penciling in

TIme for work? not always. But I love it when I do get to draw for me- fills the portfolio, makes me feel like an artist, not just a contract monkey, and of course, this provides much personal satisfaction!

here are some things from this past few days:

Still have not heard from anyone with art suggestions. Shame, but I should blame myself. I dropped it a few years ago, so I take the blame.
Please need an idea- no obligation for any purchase, it just keeps me fresh!


  1. How about a shot of Spiderman 2099

  2. ok- i was out of town this week for a camp with my son, but I will take the first challenge of Spiderman 2099, and will have to accept Carmen Santiago for next week as well. SEE YOU GUYS ON MONDAY!
